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Get an Internship Using German

Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences (All Campuses)

  • This Task has been designed for use by Students. For Students

German language, literature, and culture—like classics or English—is a liberal arts discipline worth studying in its own right. But it also brings distinct advantages to any career path. Learning a foreign language will boost the average salary by 2%, and learning German will increase that number to 4% (see this article in Money).

Students with BAs in German compete well in non-technical fields for jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree. And a major in German, when paired with another major, minor, or certificate, offers a competitive edge in a variety of professions. Pitt German majors have become successful lawyers, doctors, business professionals, teachers, scholars, engineers, and scientists. A major in German is also excellent preparation for graduate study in a variety of fields, including German, law, history, philosophy, film, and politics.


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