Pitt Green Hosts & Events

Help advance the University of Pittsburgh’s culture of sustainability by getting your Pitt Green Host designation so your team can hold green events!

By Becoming a Pitt Green Host, you’ll learn how to make the events you host at Pitt more sustainable and accessible. The Pitt Green Host training covers a broad range of topics and answers questions you might have about sustainable options for your event, including:

  • How can you handle recycling and composting both during and after your event?
  • Is there a way to reduce waste by using compostable dishes, reusable decorations, or creating digital agendas?
  • What dining/catering options are there, and how do you provide attendees plant-forward, vegetarian, and/or vegan food options?
  • What other resources are available to make your event more sustainable and accessible?

Ready to start your Pitt Green Host Training? Watch all 4 parts below!


Tier 1
Green Event:

Food Waste Composting

Tier 2
Green Event:

Zero Waste

Tier 3
Green Event:


Get your Pitt Green Host designation!
Ready to demonstrate your knowledge and earn a Pitt Green Host designation? Take the assessment below!

Have Questions?
Have questions about the Pitt Green Host training?

More about the Pitt Green Designations

Learn more about “Pitt Green” designations for offices, labs, on-campus residents, and more!

Who at Pitt has already
achieved a Pitt Green